Thursday, June 26, 2014

Catholic Stewardship of Peter's Pence

The Real Story

The Peter's Pence Collection derives its name from an ancient custom. In ninth-century England, King Alfred the Great collected money, a "pence," from landowners as financial support for the Pope. Today, the Peter's Pence Collection supports the Pope's philanthropy by giving the Holy Father the means to provide emergency assistance to those in need because of natural disaster, war, oppression, and disease.

By supporting this collection, our parishioners are standing next to Pope Francis as a witness of God's love to those most in need and participating in good stewardship through solidarity with the rest of the world.
Most of our parishioners are eager to partake of that solidarity by being generous stewards.  We, as parish leaders, need to make it as easy as possible for them to give.  One key aspect is to give parishioners the information needed to make a decision about how to support Peter's Pence.
Most effective is to do an announcement before Mass begins that includes information about the collection.  You might think it's important to include the history of Peter's Pence that is in the first paragraph of this blog.  In that same Mass do an announcement at collection time reminding parishioners that their Peter's Pence envelopes should be deposited in the collection basket as it gets passed around.
Thank you, Parish Leaders, for being good stewards of this special collection and for all the good stewardship you show in so many ways!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Catholic Stewardship End of Fiscal Year

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, think about doing a big 'Thank You' to your parishioners for their support of the parish. We suggest a bulletin announcement and perhaps a pulpit announcement.

You could include a recap of how the parish is finishing the fiscal year.  Maybe you could frame it in the context of Stewardship and how the parish has been a good Steward of the parish budget which includes the donation commitments of your parishioners... being sure to thank them for their generosity.  Please also thank them for volunteering in ministry and praying for the parish.  In so doing, you are reinforcing that Stewardship is not just about money, but Time and Talent as well.

This is also a good time to send out those 2nd quarterly letters of the year. We have been told by many that they appreciate the quarterly letters because it helps them stay on top of their commitment.  It also shows that you are practicing good Stewardship by being fiscally responsible.

The Office of Parish Stewardship wants to extend our thanks to all you parish staff members for the terrific job you do in promoting Stewardship throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle!

Any practices or suggestions you would like to make?  Leave us a comment by clicking on ironically, the words 'no comment' at the bottom of this post.  A text box will pop up that you can type your comment in.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


For those of you that plan a little ahead...and for those of you that plan way or way, way ahead!

1.  A Little Ahead:
  • The International Catholic Stewardship Council's Annual Conference is October 5 - 8, 2014 in Orlando, Florida.  For the brochure including Topics, 7 Speakers, and Registration Information click on:                                                     
2.  Way Ahead:
  • The 11th Northwest Regional Stewardship Conference will take place June 26-27, 2015 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Kennewick, Washington.  More information will be available this Fall - keep reading our blog.  This conference is affordable enough to send your Parish Stewardship Commission to as well.

3.  Way...Way...Ahead:
         Start Budgeting Now!! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Stewardship of Time and Talent Follow Up

Many parishes did a Stewardship of Time & Talent Commitment Renewal in these weeks around Pentecost.  If your parish was one of them, congratulations & we hope all your hard work has yielded much interest in your parish's ministries.
Don't forget:
  • Enter your data ASAP.  It can be easy to let the paperwork sit, if you are busy focusing on all of your regular responsibilities.
  • Get the data to your ministry coordinators immediately for follow up.
  • Remind them weekly for the next few weeks of the need to contact the folks who signed up for their ministry.
  • In the Thank You letter you send to all those who returned a commitment card, make sure you include a line letting them know that if they don't get contacted by the ministry coordinator in the next couple of weeks, to let the parish office know.
  • Consider having one of the parish staff, or a very trusted volunteer in the parish office, contact all those who are NEW volunteers (not repeat sign ups) so that these very crucial folks are contacted.
As we celebrate the birth of the church, it's fantastic to see some of the excitement in our own parish over people who are enthused enough about ministry to volunteer!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Catholic Stewardship of Summer

School will be out soon and as all parents know, that day is the real beginning of summer.  Because summer begins a new chapter of enjoying life, how can we be good Stewards of ourselves, our children, and our society during these months of new challenges?  Here are some helpful hints that you can include on your website, in your bulletin, or in your newsletter:
  • Be good stewards of driving during these months when everyone is out and about.
  • Keep close watch on children and elderly when weather is hot and keep everyone hydrated.
  • Be very vigilant around water.  A close eye can prevent a tragedy.
  • Yard work should be done in the cooler parts of the day so you don't become over-heated.  This is especially true of older folks.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and make sure your children do as well.
  • Wearing sunscreen is an easy protection from skin cancer.  Use it on yourself and your children.
  • Going camping?  Natural bodies of water, while looking clean, usually harbor bacteria that can make you sick.  Only drink clean water you bring with you, unless there is potable water in campground.
  • Remember to be filled with gratitude to our Heavenly Father for these blessed days and for all the blessings that fill our lives.
  • And....Very Important!  Take advantage of online giving and don't forget your parish during vacation time.
These are just a few hints that will help you be good stewards of this time of the year.  More safety tips abound on the internet.  Good stewards care about their environment and the people in it.  Be smart, be safe, be a good steward!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Stewardship of Prayer at a Catholic Church

Prayer Fair at St. Augustine Parish in Oak Harbor, Washington

A big thank you to St. Augustine Parish for sharing their excellent information about holding a Prayer Fair Weekend in the parish.  They had theirs on the weekend before Lent (this year that was February 22 and 23) and it was very successful.  It was sponsored by the Stewardship Commission to help parishioners explore ways to deepen their relationship with God.  Barb Dumit was kind enough to share a complete template on planning, holding, and follow up for a Prayer Fair.  If you would like a copy, just email  For a sneak peek, see some of their suggestions below:

  • Hold Mass in Parish Hall
  • Set up identical booths on either side
  • These booths include all prayer ministries, books including the Little Black Book for Lent, and some new ideas that involved interaction with the youth in the Parish (see below)
  • After the Homily, Father had parishioners get up and 'shop' for new ways to Pray (he gave them 10 minutes)
This interactive approach was carried forward in the follow up steps with a big cross built by  the youth.  Parishioners were invited to write the 'burdens of their hearts' on sticky notes and attach them to the cross.  The youth, prayed for these 'burdens' throughout the following week.  Over 300 prayer notes were attached to the cross.  What a beautiful way to involve youth in sharing, caring and praying and being Stewardship of Time models for the whole community.  Congratulations, St. Augustine Parish for this inspirational and practical way to be good Stewards of Prayer.  For more ideas and a complete template don't forget to email

Comments welcome.  Click on the words 'no comments' and a text box will pop up for you to type in your response.