Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Catholic Stewardship in July

As a lead up to Stewardship of Treasure which takes place in November, it is not too early to begin putting Stewardship and Gratitude into the hearts and minds of your parishioners.  If you don't already have a Stewardship Column in your bulletin, now is a good time to start.  Your column should contain your weekly donations and how those donations relate to your budget; plus or minus.  We also have a stewardship logo and some bulletin notes which you can obtain by emailing  Do you have pictures and stories about parishioners involved in ministries that you could include in the column (please seek permission from those in photos before publishing).  Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
  • Any unsung heroes who quietly help in your parish
  • A ministry such as pea patch, sandwiches for homeless, any outreach ministries
  • Honoring those who volunteer in your office
  • Stewardship ministries in which children volunteer
  • Many others...
As time gets closer to November, reminding parishioners that their donations support these ministries can be done in your Annual Report to the parish.

If you have ideas to share with other parishes, please leave a comment to this post by clicking on 'no comments' below.  A window will pop up for you to type in your comment. 

Thank you, Western Washington parishes for the good work you do to support Stewardship in the Archdiocese of Seattle.